Category: Open Science - page 3

LIBER 2021: The Evolving Scholar – rethinking publishing

There is so much happening in scholarly communications! We know about the raised problems of researchers in the publishing landscape, about the lack of transparency and visibility or the gaps in recognition of their work, like peer-reviewing, within the research assessment. On the other side, cOAlitionS announced their intentions of returning the public money to..

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Transparent recognition for every research contribution

Research activities have gradually become more collaborative and complex in the spirit of Open Science. As a result research outputs are more often produced by groups rather than individuals and increasingly multiple stakeholders are involved. While collaboration is becoming the norm, acknowledging the input of non-authors is usually limited to the classic acknowledgement section in..

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TU Delft OPEN Publishing: the free flow of knowledge

Publishing is an intrinsic part of academic life. But why publish at all? The motivation behind the act of publishing is very simple. Teachers and researchers want to freely share their experience and communicate about their findings. It is about advancing science, making impact for a better society and bringing science to not only scientists,..

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